“When Putin invaded my country, I couldn’t take up arms – I raised my conductor’s baton instead”

Ukrainian Freedom Orchestra delivers a glorious Beethoven Nine — review

The week in classical: Ukrainian Freedom Orchestra; Three Choirs festival; Prom 16 – review

Découverte de l’Ukrainian Freedom Orchestra

Pour l’Ukraine, la tournée estivale d’une armée musicale

France’s Army will join Ukrainian Freedom Orchestra

Can Ukraine’s best weapon — music — strike a real blow against Russia?

Live Music and Interview - Sounds

An Orchestra’s ‘Ode to Joy’ Calls for Ukrainian Freedom

The Ukrainian Freedom
Orchestra is
on tour

Keri-Lynn Wilson BBC World News Interview

Keri-Lynn Wilson: NPR Interview on the UFO

The rockets didn’t stop us’: Odesa violinist gears up for symbolic concert

Elbphilharmonie talk with the Ukrainian Freedom Orchestra

Review: A Ukrainian Orchestra Speaks with Quiet Intensity

Keri-Lynn Wilson: NY1’s “Inside City Hall”

Ukrainian Freedom Orchestra review – tears and roars of delight for new national ensemble

‘Channeling our anger’: Ukrainian Freedom Orchestra heads for the Proms

The Ukrainian Freedom Orchestra: ‘our music is our gun’

F. Paul Driscoll speaks with Keri-Lynn Wilson about the creation of the Ukrainian Freedom Orchestra, as part of Sight Lines.

Keri-Lynn Wilson y su orquesta de reclutas por la paz

‘I just felt I had to do something’: The mission to create an army of Ukrainian musicians

Un orchestre de musiciens ukrainiens en tournée cet été

BBC Proms 2022: Ukrainian refugee orchestra among the line-up

Ukrainian Freedom Orchestra: музичний фронт теж важливий

Denouncing War, Ukrainian Musicians Unite for a World Tour

Ukrainian Freedom Orchestra to perform at 2022 BBC Proms

All-Ukrainian Orchestra Puts Country’s Musicians on World Stage

Mournful and Defiant, Ukrainian Orchestra Goes onTour